11 novembre 2016


Pubblichiamo il punto di vista di Tony Tasca , nostro corrispondente in California, sui recenti incidenti accaduti in alcune città americane in seguito all' elezione di Trump a Presidente degli USA.

People have the right to demonstrate, to express their views on the results of the elections, and let some steam out. But they do not have the right to hurt anyone or to destroy private property.
It is time for one side not to gloat  being magnanimous in victory is a virtue. It is time for the other side not to despair  accepting the orderly transfer of power is essential to healing our divisions.
America is not racist, xenophobic, homophobic, or chauvinist. Most people... are decent, caring, and level-headed.
Let's not let the rhetoric and demonization of electioneering dominate our discourse. Let's accept the results that the American people delivered on the 8th!
I am surprised by what I have been hearing today. Some diehard liberals are questioning Trump's victory based on the national vote.
We are a republican federal republic - 50 states that have decided to join forces to form a great federation.
The framers did not intend to create a monolith. They set up the electoral college to protect the influence of the smallest states from the larger ones, the rural states from the more industrial states. We are not a democracy! We are a republic! We vote not for the president, we vote for a slate of electors who vote to select our president.
If folks want to do away with the electoral college, they must amend the constitution. To do so 2/3 of the states' legislature must approve any amendment. Difficult, but doable.
Trump won at last count the majority of the states. That is why he won!
It is not productive to criticize the rules when we don't like the result. That sounds like a sore loser to me!

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